General ======= The World is made from 1m³ locks, divided into chunks of 16x16x16 for convenience. Players can place and remove block at will (currently). There's no global light source. All lighting comes from light emitting blocks. Equally, there's no global gravity, though some blocks can emit force fields. The void is able transport sound for some reason. It's also inhabited by yet unnamed entities which, for the moment, stand or float around. If they see a player, they start chasing it until they're near enough and run away again if they get too close. World Generation ---------------- As of now, the world has at generation time the following properties distributed to make up "biomes": solidity, humidity, temperature, richness. Solidity determines how dense the material is at any given point. Below a certian solidity, there's no matter at all (or rather "air"). The exact point is given by the loaded block type definitions. Humidity, temperature and richness are intended to create some variety. There's also a random factor that decides which of the qualified block types is actually placed. Initialization ============== Runtime::Initialize - arguments are interpreted - if asset or save paths are empty, they're set to defaults, which are SDL base path + assets/ and SDL pref path, repsectively (except when NDEBUG is undefined, in which case default save path is SDL base path + saves/) - if save path/prefs.conf exists, its values are read, otherwise it is created and populated with baked defaults - arguments are interpreted again so they can override pref values Runtime::Execute - if mode is error, exit with failure - init headless part (basic SDL and net) - remaining steps depend on runtime mode Standalone ---------- Runtime::RunStandalone - init the remaining components (video, image, TTF, GL) - create environment (loader, counter, controller, RNG, assets, audio, viewport, keymap) - load or create world save - create application and load up master state standalone::MasterState - load world resources (shapes, block types, models, sounds, textures) - load player from world save if available - push preloader standalone::PreloadState - load or generate a bunch of chunks every frame until all are in memory - generate VAOs for chunks in visible range (independent of view angle) Server ------ Runtime::RunServer - create headless environment (loader, counter, controller, RNG) - load or create world save - create headless application and load up server state server::ServerState - bind server socket - load world resources (shapes, block types, models) Client ------ Runtime::RunClient - init the remaining components (video, image, TTF, GL) - create environment (loader, counter, controller, RNG, assets, audio, viewport, keymap) - create application and load up master state client::MasterState - send login to server, wait for response - if anything other than a join comes back (or nothing at all), display message and exit - create interactive state and pass control client::InteractiveState - create cache (which is just a stripped world save) if is doesn't exist already - load resources (shapes, block types, models, sounds, textures) Game Loop ========= This is roughly divided in server and client responsibilities both of which, except for network transmission, are also handled by the standalone state. The general structure is like this: - handle input - update simulation (see World Update below) - load or generate chunks if any (servers only) - generate and push output For interactive runtimes, input can come from devices like mouse, keyboards, etc. Networked runtimes can receive input from packets. The simulation is updated based on the time that passed since the last update. Networked runtimes divide the physics part of the simulation in fixed steps of 16ms so client prediction has a chance to make good estimates. Output for interactive runtimes is usually audio+video. Networked runtimes also output packets to synchronize with connected remotes. World update ------------ - spawner (servers only) - physics simulation - for each entity update: - transform caches - controller (input for players and AI for others) - model (animation state) - rebase player chunk indices - remove dead entities