Structure ========= Offset Size Type Description 0 4 data protocol tag, must be 0xFB1AB1AF 4 2 uint sequence number 6 2 uint sequence ack 8 4 data bitfield with previous acks 12 1 uint type code for the payload 13 3 none padding, reserved for future use 16 0-484 data payload, contents and length vary, mostly depending on the type code all multibyte values are in LE the current code does no conversion, so only works on machines with native LE (or BE if the server and all clients are on that, but that's by accident and will break if conversion code is ever added) Packets ======= Ping ---- To tell the other side we're still alive. Both server and client will send this if they haven't sent something in a while. Code: 0 Payload: none Length: 0 Login ----- Sent from client to serveri as a request to join. The server may respond negatively if the player name is already taken or some cap has been reached. Code: 1 Payload: 0 player name, max 32 byte UTF-8 string, shorter names should be zero terminated Length: 0-32 Join ---- Sent by the server either as a response to a successful login or when it's changing worlds. Code: 2 Payload: 0 entity ID of the player, 32bit unsigned int 4 chunk coords of the player, 3x 32bit signed int 16 pos/vel/rot/ang of the player, 13x 32bit float 68 name of the world the server's currently running max 32 byte UTF-8 string Length: 68-100 Part ---- Sent by the server either as a respons to a failed login or when the client was kicked. Optionally sent by the client on disconnect. Code: 3 Payload: none Length: 0 Player Update ------------- Sent by clients to notify the server of their changes to the player. Code: 4 Payload: 0 chunk coords of the player, 3x 32bit signed int 12 pos/vel/rot/ang of the player, 13x 32bit float Length: 64 Spawn Entity ------------ Sent by the server to notify the client of an entity entering spawn range. Code: 5 Payload: 0 entity ID, 32bit unsigned int 4 entity's skeleton ID, 32bit unsigned int 8 chunk coords of the entity, 3x 32bit signed int 20 pos/vel/rot/ang of the entity, 13x 32bit float 72 bounding box of the entity, 6x 32bit float 96 flags, 32bit bitfield with boolean values 1: world collision 100 entity name, max 32 byte UTF-8 string Length: 132 Despawn Entity -------------- Sent by the server to notify the client of an entity leaving spawn range. Code: 6 Payload: 0 entity ID, 32bit unsigned int Length: 4 Entity Update ------------- Sent by the server to notify the client of updated entity properties. Contained entities must be ordered by ascending entity ID. Code: 7 Payload: 0 number of entities, 32bit int, 1-7 4 chunk coords of the entity, 3x 32bit signed int 16 pos/vel/rot/ang of the entity, 13x 32bit float 68 next entity... Length: 4 + multiple of 64, max 452