#!/bin/bash # execute from project root # environment varables: # IMAGE: name of the docker image to use # TARGETS: targets to pass to `make` inside the container # PASS_ENV: names of environment variables to import into # the container during build IMAGE="${IMAGE:-archlinux-build}" image_name="localhorsttv/${IMAGE}" image_path="scripts/docker/${IMAGE//:/-}" build_cmd="cd /repo && make -j\$(nproc) $TARGETS" local_conf="" if [[ "$TARGETS" == *codecov* ]]; then local_conf="$local_conf $(bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/env))" fi if [ -e "${image_path}/env" ]; then local_conf="$local_conf --env-file ${image_path}/env" fi # copy XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if set if [ "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" != "" ]; then local_conf="$local_conf -e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR='$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'" fi docker build -t "${image_name}" --pull=true "${image_path}" docker run -v "$PWD":/repo ${local_conf} "${image_name}" xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" bash -c "env ; glewinfo | head ; ${build_cmd}"