1 /* eslint-disable max-len */
5 baseRomInvalid: 'CRC32 mismatch (need 33:22:EF:FC). Wrong ROM file?',
6 baseRomRemoved: 'Base ROM removed.',
7 baseRomSet: 'Base ROM set.',
8 setBaseRom: 'Set base ROM',
11 date: '{{ date, L LT }}',
12 fetchingPatch: 'Fetching patch',
13 filename: 'alttpr - {{preset}} - {{hash}}',
14 heading: 'A Link to the Past Randomizer Seed',
15 generated: 'Generated',
16 generator: 'Generator',
18 doors: 'This seed has been generated with Aerinon\'s door randomizer.',
20 mystery: 'Mystery ROM, settings hidden',
21 noMystery: 'No mystery',
24 patchError: 'Error applying patch: {{msg}}',
29 race: 'Race ROM, seed hidden',
32 shuffleenemies: 'Enemy shuffle',
43 generated: 'generated',
48 baseRomInvalid: 'CRC32 mismatch (need 35:53:61:83). Wrong ROM file?',
49 baseRomRemoved: 'Base ROM removed.',
50 baseRomSet: 'Base ROM set.',
51 inviteBot: 'Invite Bot',
52 inviteCommand: 'Invite Bot (command only)',
53 randoDiscord: 'Randomizer Discord',
54 randoWeb: 'Randomizer Webapp',
55 setBaseRom: 'Set base ROM',
56 tourneyDiscord: 'Tournament Discord',
59 heading: 'Generate AoSR Seed',
62 date: '{{ date, L LT }}',
63 fetchingPatch: 'Fetching patch',
64 filename: 'aosr - {{preset}} - {{hash}}',
65 heading: 'Aria of Sorrow Randomizer Seed',
66 generated: 'Generated',
67 generator: 'Generator',
69 surge: 'This seed has been generated with fusecv\'s randomizer on aosrando.surge.sh.',
71 mystery: 'Mystery ROM, settings hidden',
72 noMystery: 'No mystery',
75 patchError: 'Error applying patch: {{msg}}',
79 AreaAllBosses: 'Area all bosses',
80 AreaBeginner: 'Area beginner',
81 AreaExpert: 'Area expert',
82 AreaExtraFast: 'Area extra fast',
83 AreaRequireAllSouls: 'Area require all souls',
84 AreaSpicy: 'Area spicy',
87 DoorAllBosses: 'Door all bosses',
88 DoorAllBossesEasy: 'Door all bosses easy',
89 ExtraFastNormal: 'Extra fast normal',
91 SGLive2020: 'SGLive 2020',
92 SGLive2021: 'SGLive 2021',
93 SpicyNormal: 'Spicy normal',
94 Tournament2021: 'Tournament 2021',
95 Tournament2022: 'Tournament 2022',
97 race: 'Race ROM, seed hidden',
102 doublechaos: 'Double chaos',
105 itempool: 'Item pool',
106 kicker: 'Kicker without Malphas',
107 levelexp: 'Level EXP',
109 mapassist: 'Map assist',
111 noww: 'No wrong warp',
114 reqallsouls: 'Require all souls',
115 shopprice: 'Shop price',
116 shopSouls: 'Shop souls',
117 startshop: 'Start with shop',
118 telestart: 'Teleport to start',
119 weight: 'Item weight',
121 settings: 'Settings',
124 AreaRandom: 'Area random',
125 DoorRandom: 'Door random',
129 'Dead-endShuffle': 'Dead end shuffle',
137 RandomNoLimit: 'No limit',
138 RandomP20M5: '+20 -5',
139 RandomP30M10: '+30 -10',
142 RandomPMaxM5: '+max -5',
146 AllBosses: 'All bosses',
147 BookSouls: 'Book souls',
151 AllSouls: 'All souls',
152 Standard: 'Standard',
165 AreaTechTiers: 'Area tech tiers',
166 AreaTechTiersHard: 'Area tech tiers hard',
167 ForwardFeed: 'Forward feed',
168 ForwardFeedHard: 'Forward feed hard',
169 HybridProgression: 'Hybrid progression',
170 VeryRandom: 'Very random',
171 VeryRandomHard: 'Very random hard',
172 VeryRandomHardOnly: 'Very random hard only',
188 'Mode1.5': 'Mode 1.5',
193 AlwaysRand: 'Always random',
194 ExtraFairRand: 'Extra fair random',
195 FirstAlways: 'Always first',
196 NeverExists: 'Never exists',
197 Rand70Dup: 'Random 70% dupe',
208 '2PerGroup': '2 per group',
210 OnlySouls: 'Only souls',
214 Unlocked: 'Unlocked',
215 Unlocked30k: 'Unlocked 30k',
235 generated: 'generated',
241 acceptError: 'Error accepting',
242 acceptSuccess: 'Accepted',
244 rejectSuccess: 'Rejected',
245 rejectError: 'Error rejecting',
254 generate: 'Generate',
259 protocol: 'Protocol',
263 settings: 'Settings',
267 description: 'Um no',
268 heading: 'Access denied',
271 description: 'Pretty sure I had that somehere',
272 heading: 'Not found',
275 description: 'NotLikeThis',
276 heading: 'Server error',
280 alttpde: 'German ALttP Discord',
281 alttpwiki: 'ALttP Speedrunning Wiki',
282 competitions: 'Competitions',
283 connect: 'Connect Spedruns Discord',
284 contact: 'If you would like to organize a Tournament on this site, please contact HolySmoke#5229 on Discord.',
287 resources: 'Resources',
288 smd: 'German Super Metroid Discord',
289 smwiki: 'Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki',
297 AllowedIcon: 'Allowed',
298 ApplicationsIcon: 'Applications',
301 DiscordIcon: 'Discord',
303 FinishedIcon: 'Finished',
304 FirstPlaceIcon: 'First Place',
305 ForbiddenIcon: 'Forbidden',
306 ForfeitIcon: 'Forfeit',
307 LanguageIcon: 'Language',
308 LockedIcon: 'Locked',
309 LogoutIcon: 'Logout',
310 PendingIcon: 'Pending',
311 ProtocolIcon: 'Protocol',
312 ResultIcon: 'Result',
313 SecondPlaceIcon: 'Second Place',
314 SettingsIcon: 'Settings',
315 StreamIcon: 'Stream',
316 ThirdPlaceIcon: 'Third Place',
317 TwitchIcon: 'Twitch',
318 UnknownIcon: 'Unknown',
319 UnlockedIcon: 'Unlocked',
320 YoutubeIcon: 'YouTube',
323 'big-key': 'Big Key',
324 'blue-boomerang': 'Boomerang',
325 'blue-mail': 'Blue Mail',
326 'blue-pendant': 'Pendant of Power',
327 'blue-potion': 'Blue Potion',
332 'bottle-bee': 'Bee in a Bottle',
336 byrna: 'Cane of Byrna',
342 fairy: 'Fairy in a Bottle',
343 'fighter-shield': 'Fighter Shield',
344 'fire-rod': 'Fire Rod',
345 'fire-shield': 'Fire Shield',
346 flippers: 'Flippers',
348 glove: 'Power Glove',
349 'green-mail': 'Green Mail',
350 'green-pendant': 'Pendant of Courage',
351 'green-potion': 'Green Potion',
353 'heart-container': 'Heart Container',
354 'heart-piece': 'Heart Piece',
355 hookshot: 'Hookshot',
356 'ice-rod': 'Ice Rod',
360 'mirror-shield': 'Mirror Shield',
361 mitts: 'Titan \'s Mitts',
362 moonpearl: 'Moonpearl',
363 mushroom: 'Mushroom',
366 'red-bomb': 'Red Bomb',
367 'red-boomerang': 'Red Boomerang',
368 'red-mail': 'Red Mail',
369 'red-pendant': 'Pendant of Wisdom',
370 'red-potion': 'Red Potion',
373 'small-key': 'Small Key',
374 somaria: 'Cane of Somaria',
378 dwLong: 'Dark World',
381 lwLong: 'Light World',
383 spLong: 'Special Areas',
385 uwLong: 'Underworld',
392 empty: 'No participants on record',
393 heading: 'Participants',
394 participant: 'Participant',
395 placement: 'Placement',
397 placementSubjectToChange: 'Tournament incomplete, placement subject to change.',
399 admin: 'Administrator',
403 roles: 'Participated as',
404 tournament: 'Tournament',
410 p1: 'We\'re utilizing cokes and your browser\'s storage to remember your login and preferred language as well as protect against XSRF.',
411 p2: 'If you click on Login, you wil be redirected to a discord portal. Once signed in, Discord will provide us with your username, discriminator and ID.',
412 p3: 'Any results you submit will be published on this site and may be shared with the Discord server of the respective community.',
417 accepted: 'Application from {{username}} accepted',
418 received: 'Application from {{username}} received',
419 rejected: 'Application from {{username}} rejected',
422 comment: 'Result of round {{number}} commented: <1>{{comment}}</1>',
423 report: 'Result of <1>{{time}}</1> reported for round {{number}}',
426 create: 'Added round #{{number}}',
427 edit: 'Edited round #{{number}}',
428 lock: 'Round #{{number}} locked',
429 seed: 'Set seed for round #{{number}}',
430 unlock: 'Round #{{number}} unlocked',
433 close: 'Registration closed',
434 discord: 'Discord server connected',
435 lock: 'Tournament locked',
436 open: 'Registration opened',
437 unlock: 'Tournament unlocked',
439 unknown: 'Unknown protocol entry of type {{type}}.',
445 addComment: 'Comment',
448 edit: 'Change result',
449 editComment: 'Edit comment',
452 placement: 'Placement',
453 points_one: '{{ count }} point',
454 points_other: '{{ count }} points',
455 report: 'Report result',
456 reportError: 'Error saving :(',
457 reportPreview: 'Will be recorded as {{ time }}',
458 reportSuccess: 'Stored, thanks :)',
463 time: 'Time: {{ time }}',
465 vodNote: 'If you want to share your VoD, go ahead.',
469 date: '{{ date, L }}',
471 editError: 'Error saving round',
472 editSuccess: 'Saved successfully',
473 empty: 'No rounds yet',
476 noSeed: 'No seed set',
477 numberOfResults_one: '{{ count }} submission',
478 numberOfResults_other: '{{ count }} submissions',
480 lockDescription: 'When a round is locked, runners cannot submit or change results.',
481 locked: 'Results for this round have been locked.',
482 lockError: 'Error locking round',
483 lockIncompleteWarning: 'Warning: Not all runners have submitted their results for this round yet!',
484 lockSuccess: 'Round locked',
485 rolled_by: 'Rolled by',
486 rolledBy: 'Rolled by {{name}}',
489 setSeedError: 'Seed could not be set',
490 setSeedSuccess: 'Seed set',
492 unlock: 'Unock round',
493 unlockDescription: 'The round is unlocked and runers are free to submit or change their results again.',
494 unlocked: 'Results for this round are subject to change.',
495 unlockError: 'Error unlocking round',
496 unlockSuccess: 'Round unlocked',
502 heading: 'Techniques',
509 rulesetDescriptions: {
510 competitive: 'Competitive',
511 mg: 'Major Glitches',
513 owg: 'Overworld Glitches',
515 rulesetFilterHeading: 'Only show techniques allowed in the following rulesets:',
520 applicationDenied: 'Application denied',
521 applicationPending: 'Application pending',
522 applications: 'Applications',
524 applyError: 'Error submitting application',
525 applySuccess: 'Application sent',
526 closeError: 'Error closing registration',
527 closeSuccess: 'Registration closed',
529 discordError: 'Error connecting',
530 discordNoCategory: 'No category',
531 discordRoundCategory: 'Category for round channels',
532 discordRoundTemplate: 'Template for round channels',
533 discordSettings: 'Discord settings',
534 discordSettingsError: 'Error saving discord settings',
535 discordSettingsSuccess: 'Discord settings saved',
536 discordSuccess: 'Discord associated',
537 inviteBot: 'Invite bot',
538 locked: 'Lock rounds',
539 lockError: 'Error locking tournament',
540 lockSuccess: 'Tournament locked',
541 monitors: 'Monitors',
542 noApplications: 'No applications at this point',
543 noRecord: 'Tournament set to not be recorded',
544 open: 'Open registration',
545 openError: 'Error opening registration',
546 openSuccess: 'Registration opened',
547 scoreboard: 'Scoreboard',
548 scoreChart: 'Score chart',
549 settings: 'Settings',
550 unlockError: 'Error unlocking tournaments',
551 unlockSuccess: 'Tournament unlocked',
554 discordTag: 'Discord tag',
555 editNickname: 'Edit name',
556 editStreamLink: 'Edit stream link',
558 noStream: 'No stream set',
559 participationEmpty: 'Has not participated in any tourneys yet.',
560 roundRecords: 'Race records',
561 setNicknameError: 'Could not save name',
562 setNicknameSuccess: 'Name changed',
563 setStreamLinkError: 'Could not save stream link',
564 setStreamLinkSuccess: 'Stream link saved',
566 streamLink: 'Stream link',
567 tournaments: 'Tournaments',
568 tournamentRecords: 'Tournament records',
572 required: 'Please tell me',
573 time: 'Please enter as 1:23:45 (or 56:23 if you\'re fast ^^).',