1 /* eslint-disable max-len */
21 heading: 'Access denied',
24 description: 'Pretty sure I had that somehere',
28 description: 'NotLikeThis',
29 heading: 'Server error',
38 DiscordIcon: 'Discord',
40 FinishedIcon: 'Finished',
41 FirstPlaceIcon: 'First Place',
42 ForfeitIcon: 'Forfeit',
43 LanguageIcon: 'Language',
46 PendingIcon: 'Pending',
47 ProtocolIcon: 'Protocol',
49 SecondPlaceIcon: 'Second Place',
51 ThirdPlaceIcon: 'Third Place',
52 UnlockedIcon: 'Unlocked',
55 'blue-boomerang': 'Boomerang',
56 'blue-mail': 'Blue Mail',
57 'blue-pendant': 'Pendant of Power',
58 'blue-potion': 'Blue Potion',
63 'bottle-bee': 'Bee in a Bottle',
67 byrna: 'Cane of Byrna',
73 fairy: 'Fairy in a Bottle',
74 'fighter-shield': 'Fighter Shield',
75 'fire-rod': 'Fire Rod',
76 'fire-shield': 'Fire Shield',
80 'green-mail': 'Green Mail',
81 'green-pendant': 'Pendant of Courage',
82 'green-potion': 'Green Potion',
84 'heart-container': 'Heart Container',
85 'heart-piece': 'Heart Piece',
91 'mirror-shield': 'Mirror Shield',
92 mitts: 'Titan \'s Mitts',
93 moonpearl: 'Moonpearl',
97 'red-bomb': 'Red Bomb',
98 'red-boomerang': 'Red Boomerang',
99 'red-mail': 'Red Mail',
100 'red-pendant': 'Pendant of Wisdom',
101 'red-potion': 'Red Potion',
104 'small-key': 'Small Key',
105 somaria: 'Cane of Somaria',
109 empty: 'No participants on record',
110 heading: 'Participants',
111 participant: 'Participant',
112 placement: 'Placement',
115 admin: 'Administrator',
118 roles: 'Participated as',
119 tournament: 'Tournament',
126 report: 'Result of {{time}} reported',
129 create: 'Round #{{number}} added',
130 lock: 'Round #{{number}} locked',
131 unlock: 'Round #{{number}} unlocked',
134 lock: 'Tournament locked',
136 unknown: 'Unknown protocol entry of type {{type}}.',
142 edit: 'Change result',
144 report: 'Report result',
145 reportError: 'Error saving result :(',
146 reportPreview: 'Will be recorded as {{ time }}',
147 reportSuccess: 'Result stored, thanks :)',
149 time: 'Time: {{ time }}',
152 date: '{{ date, L }}',
153 empty: 'No rounds yet',
156 noSeed: 'No seed set',
158 lockDescription: 'When a round is locked, runners cannot submit or change results.',
159 locked: 'Results for this round have been locked.',
160 lockError: 'Error locking round',
161 lockIncompleteWarning: 'Warning: Not all runners have submitted their results for this round yet!',
162 lockSuccess: 'Round locked',
165 setSeedError: 'Seed could not be set',
166 setSeedSuccess: 'Seed set',
167 unlock: 'Unock round',
168 unlockDescription: 'The round is unlocked and runers are free to submit or change their results again.',
169 unlocked: 'Results for this round are subject to change.',
170 unlockError: 'Error unlocking round',
171 unlockSuccess: 'Round unlocked',
175 scoreboard: 'Scoreboard',
178 discordTag: 'Discord tag',
179 editStreamLink: 'Edit stream link',
180 noStream: 'No stream set',
181 participationEmpty: 'Has not participated in any tourneys yet.',
182 setStreamLinkError: 'Could not save stream link',
183 setStreamLinkSuccess: 'Stream link saved',
185 streamLink: 'Stream link',
186 tournaments: 'Tournaments',
190 required: 'Please tell me',
191 time: 'Please enter as 1:23:45 (or 56:23 if you\'re fast ^^).',