1 /* eslint-disable max-len */
5 baseRomInvalid: 'CRC32 mismatch (need 33:22:EF:FC). Wrong ROM file?',
6 baseRomRemoved: 'Base ROM removed.',
7 baseRomSet: 'Base ROM set.',
8 setBaseRom: 'Set base ROM',
11 date: '{{ date, L LT }}',
12 fetchingPatch: 'Fetching patch',
13 filename: 'alttpr - {{preset}} - {{hash}}',
14 heading: 'A Link to the Past Randomizer Seed',
15 generated: 'Generated',
16 generator: 'Generator',
18 doors: 'This seed has been generated with Aerinon\'s door randomizer.',
20 mystery: 'Mystery ROM, settings hidden',
21 noMystery: 'No mystery',
24 patchError: 'Error applying patch: {{msg}}',
29 race: 'Race ROM, seed hidden',
32 shuffleenemies: 'Enemy shuffle',
43 generated: 'generated',
49 acceptError: 'Error accepting',
50 acceptSuccess: 'Accepted',
52 rejectSuccess: 'Rejected',
53 rejectError: 'Error rejecting',
56 heading: 'Auto tracking',
59 disconnected: 'Disconnected',
60 error: 'Connection error',
61 'no-device': 'No device',
62 'not-applicable': 'Connected to {{ device }}, mode not applicable',
63 'not-in-game': 'Connected to {{ device }}, not in game',
64 tracking: 'Connected to {{ device }}',
70 browserSource: 'Browser source',
83 nextFrame: 'Next frame',
86 playPause: 'Play/Pause',
101 attribution: 'Attribution',
102 description: 'Description',
103 edit: 'Edit content',
104 saveError: 'Error saving',
105 saveSuccess: 'Saved',
106 short: 'Short description',
111 commentary: 'Commentary',
113 tracking: 'Tracking',
118 controls: 'Controls',
120 heading: 'Discord Bot',
121 invite: 'Invite bot',
122 selectGuild: 'Please select server',
125 addRestream: 'Add Restream',
127 applyError: 'Error signing up',
128 applySuccess: 'Application received',
129 signUpAs: 'Sign up as',
130 title: 'Application',
133 commentary: 'Commentary',
134 empty: 'No dates coming up.',
135 raceroom: 'Race room',
137 acceptComms: 'Open commentary application',
138 acceptTracker: 'Open tracker application',
139 addError: 'Error adding restream',
142 crewError: 'Error updating',
143 crewSuccess: 'Updated',
144 editError: 'Error saving',
145 editSuccess: 'Saved',
146 removeError: 'Error removing restream',
147 removeSuccess: 'Removed',
151 sgSignUp: 'SG Signup',
152 startTime: '{{ date, LL LT }}',
153 tracking: 'Tracking',
157 description: 'Um no',
158 heading: 'Access denied',
161 description: 'Pretty sure I had that somehere',
162 heading: 'Not found',
165 description: 'NotLikeThis',
166 heading: 'Server error',
170 concluded: 'This event has concluded.',
172 evergreen: 'Evergreen events',
174 ongoing: 'Ongoing events',
176 pastEpisodes: 'Past races',
178 upcomingEpisodes: 'Upcoming races',
181 alttpde: 'German ALttP Discord',
182 alttpwiki: 'ALttP Speedrunning Wiki',
183 competitions: 'Competitions',
184 connect: 'Connect Spedruns Discord',
185 contact: 'If you would like to organize a Tournament on this site, please contact holysmoke86 on Discord.',
189 muffins: 'Muffins\' Glitch Map',
191 resources: 'Resources',
192 restreamCentral: 'Restream Central Discord',
193 schedule: 'Schedule',
194 smd: 'German Super Metroid Discord',
195 smwiki: 'Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki',
201 appDescription: 'Tournaments and tutorials for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Randomizer',
203 pleaseSelect: 'Please select',
207 AllowedIcon: 'Allowed',
208 ApplicationsIcon: 'Applications',
211 DiscordIcon: 'Discord',
213 FinishedIcon: 'Finished',
214 FirstPlaceIcon: 'First Place',
215 ForbiddenIcon: 'Forbidden',
216 ForfeitIcon: 'Forfeit',
217 LanguageIcon: 'Language',
218 LockedIcon: 'Locked',
219 LogoutIcon: 'Logout',
220 PendingIcon: 'Pending',
221 ProtocolIcon: 'Protocol',
222 ResultIcon: 'Result',
223 SecondPlaceIcon: 'Second Place',
224 SettingsIcon: 'Settings',
225 StreamIcon: 'Stream',
226 ThirdPlaceIcon: 'Third Place',
227 TwitchIcon: 'Twitch',
228 UnknownIcon: 'Unknown',
229 UnlockedIcon: 'Unlocked',
230 YoutubeIcon: 'YouTube',
233 'big-key': 'Big Key',
234 'blue-boomerang': 'Boomerang',
235 'blue-mail': 'Blue Mail',
236 'blue-pendant': 'Pendant of Power',
237 'blue-potion': 'Blue Potion',
242 'bottle-bee': 'Bee in a Bottle',
246 byrna: 'Cane of Byrna',
251 'dungeon-ct': 'Castle Tower',
252 'dungeon-dp': 'Desert Palace',
253 'dungeon-ep': 'Eastern Palace',
254 'dungeon-gt': 'Ganon\'s Tower',
255 'dungeon-hc': 'Hyrule Castle',
256 'dungeon-ip': 'Ice Palace',
257 'dungeon-mm': 'Misery Mire',
258 'dungeon-pd': 'Palace of Darkness',
259 'dungeon-sp': 'Swamp Palace',
260 'dungeon-sw': 'Skull Woods',
261 'dungeon-th': 'Tower of Hera',
262 'dungeon-tr': 'Turtle Rock',
263 'dungeon-tt': 'Thieves\' Town',
265 fairy: 'Fairy in a Bottle',
266 'fighter-shield': 'Fighter Shield',
267 'fighter-sword': 'Fighter Sword',
268 'fire-rod': 'Fire Rod',
269 'fire-shield': 'Fire Shield',
270 flippers: 'Flippers',
272 glove: 'Power Glove',
273 'green-mail': 'Green Mail',
274 'green-pendant': 'Pendant of Courage',
275 'green-potion': 'Green Potion',
277 'heart-container': 'Heart Container',
278 'heart-piece': 'Heart Piece',
279 hookshot: 'Hookshot',
280 'ice-rod': 'Ice Rod',
284 'mirror-shield': 'Mirror Shield',
285 mitts: 'Titan \'s Mitts',
286 moonpearl: 'Moonpearl',
287 mushroom: 'Mushroom',
288 'not-flippers': 'No Flippers',
289 'not-mirror': 'No Mirror',
290 'not-moonpearl': 'No Moonpearl',
293 'red-bomb': 'Red Bomb',
294 'red-boomerang': 'Red Boomerang',
295 'red-mail': 'Red Mail',
296 'red-pendant': 'Pendant of Wisdom',
297 'red-potion': 'Red Potion',
300 'small-key': 'Small Key',
301 somaria: 'Cane of Somaria',
305 description: 'Maps of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past',
306 dwLong: 'Dark World',
308 goToLocation: 'Go to location',
310 lwLong: 'Light World',
312 onThisMap: 'On this map',
313 spLong: 'Special Areas',
315 uw2Long: 'Underworld 2',
317 uwLong: 'Underworld',
318 uwOverlay: 'Show grid',
323 schedule: 'Schedule',
330 empty: 'No participants on record',
331 heading: 'Participants',
332 participant: 'Participant',
333 placement: 'Placement',
335 placementSubjectToChange: 'Tournament incomplete, placement subject to change.',
337 admin: 'Administrator',
341 roles: 'Participated as',
342 tournament: 'Tournament',
348 p1: 'We\'re utilizing cokes and your browser\'s storage to remember your login and preferred language as well as protect against XSRF.',
349 p2: 'If you click on Login, you wil be redirected to a discord portal. Once signed in, Discord will provide us with your username, discriminator and ID.',
350 p3: 'Any results you submit will be published on this site and may be shared with the Discord server of the respective community.',
355 accepted: 'Application from {{username}} accepted',
356 received: 'Application from {{username}} received',
357 rejected: 'Application from {{username}} rejected',
360 comment: 'Result of round {{number}} commented: <1>{{comment}}</1>',
361 report: 'Result of <1>{{time}}</1> reported for round {{number}}',
364 create: 'Added round #{{number}}',
365 edit: 'Edited round #{{number}}',
366 lock: 'Round #{{number}} locked',
367 seed: 'Set seed for round #{{number}}',
368 unlock: 'Round #{{number}} unlocked',
371 close: 'Registration closed',
372 discord: 'Discord server connected',
373 lock: 'Tournament locked',
374 open: 'Registration opened',
375 settings: 'Modified settings',
376 unlock: 'Tournament unlocked',
378 unknown: 'Unknown protocol entry of type {{type}}.',
384 addComment: 'Comment',
387 edit: 'Change result',
388 editComment: 'Edit comment',
391 placement: 'Placement',
392 points_one: '{{ count }} point',
393 points_other: '{{ count }} points',
394 report: 'Report result',
395 reportError: 'Error saving :(',
396 reportPreview: 'Will be recorded as {{ time }}',
397 reportSuccess: 'Stored, thanks :)',
402 time: 'Time: {{ time }}',
404 vodNote: 'If you want to share your VoD, go ahead.',
408 date: '{{ date, L }}',
410 editError: 'Error saving round',
411 editSuccess: 'Saved successfully',
412 empty: 'No rounds yet',
415 noSeed: 'No seed set',
416 numberOfResults_one: '{{ count }} submission',
417 numberOfResults_other: '{{ count }} submissions',
418 loadMore: 'load more rounds',
420 lockDescription: 'When a round is locked, runners cannot submit or change results.',
421 locked: 'Results for this round have been locked.',
422 lockError: 'Error locking round',
423 lockIncompleteWarning: 'Warning: Not all runners have submitted their results for this round yet!',
424 lockSuccess: 'Round locked',
425 rolled_by: 'Rolled by',
426 rolledBy: 'Rolled by {{name}}',
429 setSeedError: 'Seed could not be set',
430 setSeedSuccess: 'Seed set',
433 unlock: 'Unock round',
434 unlockDescription: 'The round is unlocked and runers are free to submit or change their results again.',
435 unlocked: 'Results for this round are subject to change.',
436 unlockError: 'Error unlocking round',
437 unlockSuccess: 'Round unlocked',
443 description: 'Upcoming matches and other events.',
445 startTime: '{{ date, LT }}',
448 noResults: 'No results',
451 description: 'Tutorials for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Randomizer',
452 heading: 'Techniques',
453 lastModified: 'Last modified: {{ date, L }}',
454 requirements: 'Requires: ',
461 rulesetDescriptions: {
462 competitive: 'Competitive',
463 mg: 'Major Glitches',
465 owg: 'Overworld Glitches',
467 rulesetFilterHeading: 'Only show techniques allowed in the following rulesets:',
472 applicationDenied: 'Application denied',
473 applicationPending: 'Application pending',
474 applications: 'Applications',
476 applyError: 'Error submitting application',
477 applySuccess: 'Application sent',
478 closeError: 'Error closing registration',
479 closeSuccess: 'Registration closed',
481 discordError: 'Error connecting',
482 discordNoCategory: 'No category',
483 discordRoundCategory: 'Category for round channels',
484 discordRoundTemplate: 'Template for round channels',
485 discordSettings: 'Discord settings',
486 discordSettingsError: 'Error saving discord settings',
487 discordSettingsSuccess: 'Discord settings saved',
488 discordSuccess: 'Discord associated',
489 inviteBot: 'Invite bot',
490 locked: 'Lock rounds',
491 lockError: 'Error locking tournament',
492 lockSuccess: 'Tournament locked',
493 monitors: 'Monitors',
494 noApplications: 'No applications at this point',
495 noRecord: 'Tournament set to not be recorded',
496 open: 'Open registration',
497 openError: 'Error opening registration',
498 openSuccess: 'Registration opened',
499 scoreboard: 'Scoreboard',
500 scoreChart: 'Score chart',
501 settings: 'Settings',
502 settingsError: 'Error saving settings',
503 settingsSuccess: 'Settings saved successfully',
504 showNumbers: 'Show numbers',
505 unlockError: 'Error unlocking tournaments',
506 unlockSuccess: 'Tournament unlocked',
509 addCommand: 'Add command',
512 chatError: 'Error sending message',
513 chatSettings: 'Chat Bot Settings',
514 chatSuccess: 'Message queued',
515 chatWaitMsgsMin: 'Min. messages',
516 chatWaitMsgsMax: 'Max. messages',
517 chatWaitTimeMin: 'Min. time',
518 chatWaitTimeMax: 'Max. time',
519 commandDialog: 'Edit command',
521 commandParameters: 'Parameters',
522 commandRestriction: 'Restriction',
523 commandRestrictions: {
528 commands: 'Commands',
532 'guessing-cancel': 'Cancel guessing game',
533 'guessing-leaderboard': 'Guessing game leaderboard',
534 'guessing-solve': 'Solve guessing game',
535 'guessing-start': 'Start guessing game',
536 'guessing-stop': 'Stop guessing game',
538 runner: 'Runner list',
540 controls: 'Controls',
542 activeMessage: 'Message when a game is already running',
543 cancelMessage: 'Game cancellation announcement',
544 defaultActiveMessage: 'Channel already has an active guessing game',
545 defaultCancelMessage: 'Guessing game cancelled',
546 defaultInvalidSolutionMessage: 'Please provide a valid solution to the guessing game',
547 defaultNoWinnersMessage: 'nobody wins :(',
548 defaultNotActiveMessage: 'Channel has no active guessing game',
549 defaultStartMessage: 'Get your guesses in',
550 defaultStopMessage: 'Guessing closed',
551 defaultWinnersMessage: 'Congrats {names}!',
553 guessTimestamp: '{{ timestamp, LT }}',
554 invalidSolutionMessage: 'Message for invalid (or missing) solution',
555 noWinnersMessage: 'Announcement for no winners',
556 notActiveMessage: 'Message when no game is currently active',
557 pointsCloseFirst: 'Points for first close match',
558 pointsCloseMax: 'Maximum distance to count as close match',
559 pointsCloseOther: 'Points for further close matches',
560 pointsExactFirst: 'Points for first exact match',
561 pointsExactOther: 'Points for further exact matches',
562 popoutControls: 'Popout controls',
563 settings: 'Guessing game settings',
564 startMessage: 'Starting announcement',
565 stopMessage: 'Closing announcement',
567 winnerScore: '{{ score }} points',
568 winnerScore_one: '{{ score }} point',
569 winnersMessage: 'Winners announcement',
570 winnersMessageHint: '{names} will be replaced with a list of winners\' names',
572 heading: 'Twitch Bot',
573 joinApp: 'Join as App Bot',
574 joinChat: 'Join as Chat Bot',
575 joinError: 'Error joining channel',
576 joinSuccess: 'Joined',
577 noManagePermission: 'You lack the required privileges to manage the twitch bot.',
578 partError: 'Error parting channel',
579 partSuccess: 'Parted',
580 saveError: 'Error saving',
581 saveSuccess: 'Saved',
582 selectChannel: 'Please select a channel to manage.',
583 sendApp: 'Send as App Bot',
584 sendChat: 'Send as Chat Bot',
587 heading: 'Twitch extension terms and policies',
588 p1: 'Participation in the guessing game solely takes place via Twitch chat. Your nickname might show up in chat, on stream and in the leaderboard panel, should you choose to participate.',
589 p2: 'To display the leaderboard, a request is made to alttp.localhorst.tv. This request is logged anonymously and not further processed.',
592 discordTag: 'Discord tag',
593 editNickname: 'Edit name',
594 editStreamLink: 'Edit stream link',
596 noStream: 'No stream set',
597 participationEmpty: 'Has not participated in any tourneys yet.',
598 roundRecords: 'Race records',
599 setNicknameError: 'Could not save name',
600 setNicknameSuccess: 'Name changed',
601 setStreamLinkError: 'Could not save stream link',
602 setStreamLinkSuccess: 'Stream link saved',
604 streamLink: 'Stream link',
605 tournaments: 'Tournaments',
606 tournamentRecords: 'Tournament records',
610 required: 'Please tell me',
611 time: 'Please enter as 1:23:45 (or 56:23 if you\'re fast ^^).',