// default min solidity is 0.5 which marks the border of the solid world // anything with less than that will be incredibly common on the surface white_coarse = { texture = "rock-1"; label = "Coarse White"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; shape = uniform_block; generate = true; mid_solidity = 0.5; max_solidity = 0.75; max_temperature = 0.0; mid_temperature = -0.5; }; white_smooth = white_coarse { texture = "rock-2"; label = "Smooth White"; mid_solidity = 0.6; max_solidity = 1.0; }; white_hard = white_coarse { texture = "rock-3"; label = "Hard White"; min_solidity = 0.7; mid_solidity = 1.0; max_solidity = 1.0; }; white_slab = white_coarse { label = "White Slab"; shape = uniform_low_slab; generate = false; }; white_stair = white_coarse { label = "White Stair"; shape = uniform_stair; generate = false; }; red_coarse = white_coarse { rgb_mod = [ 0.8, 0.2, 0.2 ]; label = "Coarse Red"; min_temperature = 0.0; mid_temperature = 0.5; max_temperature = 1.0; max_humidity = 0.0; mid_humidity = -0.5; }; red_smooth = red_coarse { texture = "rock-2"; label = "Smooth Red"; mid_solidity = 0.6; max_solidity = 1.0; }; red_hard = red_coarse { texture = "rock-3"; label = "Hard Red"; min_solidity = 0.7; mid_solidity = 1.0; max_solidity = 1.0; }; red_slab = red_hard { label = "Red Slab"; shape = uniform_low_slab; generate = false; }; red_stair = red_hard { label = "Red Stair"; shape = uniform_stair; generate = false; }; green_coarse = white_coarse { rgb_mod = [ 0.2, 0.8, 0.2 ]; label = "Coarse Green"; min_temperature = -0.5; mid_temperature = 0.25; max_temperature = 0.75; }; green_smooth = green_coarse { texture = "rock-2"; label = "Smooth Green"; mid_solidity = 0.6; max_solidity = 1.0; }; green_hard = { texture = "rock-3"; label = "Hard Green"; min_solidity = 0.7; mid_solidity = 1.0; max_solidity = 1.0; }; green_slab = green_coarse { label = "Green Slab"; shape = uniform_low_slab; generate = false; }; green_stair = green_coarse { label = "Green Stair"; shape = uniform_stair; generate = false; }; blue_coarse = { texture = "rock-1"; rgb_mod = [ 0.2, 0.2, 0.8 ]; outline = [ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ]; label = "Coarse Blue"; mid_solidity = 0.5; max_solidity = 0.75; min_humidity = 0.0; mid_humidity = 1.0; min_temperature = -1.0; mid_temperature = 0.0; max_temperature = 1.0; }; blue_smooth = blue_coarse { texture = "rock-2"; label = "Smooth Blue"; mid_solidity = 0.6; max_solidity = 1.0; }; blue_hard = blue_coarse { texture = "rock-3"; label = "Hard Blue"; min_solidity = 0.7; mid_solidity = 1.0; max_solidity = 1.0; }; blue_slab = blue_hard { label = "Blue Slab"; shape = uniform_low_slab; generate = false; }; blue_stair = blue_hard { label = "Blue Stair"; shape = uniform_stair; generate = false; }; // trying out some more "realistic" variants dirt = { texture = "grain"; rgb_mod = [ 0.4, 0.2, 0 ]; label = "Dirt"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; shape = uniform_block; generate = true; mid_solidity = 0.6; max_solidity = 0.8; }; grass = dirt { rgb_mod = [ 0.0, 0.2, 0 ]; label = "Dirt"; mid_solidity = 0.55; max_solidity = 0.65; min_humidity = 0.1; mid_humidity = 0.8; }; fiber = grass { texture = "lines"; label = "Fiber"; }; stone = dirt { rgb_mod = [ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ]; label = "Stone"; mid_solidity = 0.75; max_solidity = 1.0; }; stone_panel = stone { texture = "panel"; label = "Stone Panel"; commonness = 0.75; }; snow = dirt { rgb_mod = [ 0.9, 0.9, 1 ]; label = "Snow"; mid_solidity = 0.5; max_solidity = 0.7; min_temperature = -0.5; mid_temperature = -0.25; max_temperature = 0.0; }; ice = snow { texture = "panel"; label = "Ice"; min_solidity = 0.6; mid_solidity = 0.65; max_solidity = 0.75; }; sand = dirt { rgb_mod = [ 0.93, 0.9, 0.66 ]; label = "Sand"; mid_humidity = -0.9; max_humidity = 0.0; min_solidity = 0.5; mid_solidity = 0.5; max_solidity = 0.65; }; grav_spherical = { texture = "gravity-neutral"; label = "Spherical Gravity"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; shape = uniform_block; gravity = Radial(15); }; grav_directed = { textures = [ "gravity-directed", "gravity-neutral" ]; label = "Directed Gravity"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; shape = pipe_block; // 15x8x15 box with 10 units gravity downwards gravity = CuboidField([ 0, -10, 0 ], [ -7.5, -0.5, -7.5 ], [ 7.5, 7.5, 7.5 ]); }; light = { texture = "rock-2"; rgb_mod = [ 0.8, 0.8, 0.2 ]; label = "Light"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; luminosity = 15; shape = uniform_block; generate = true; mid_solidity = 0.5; max_solidity = 0.75; commonness = 0.125; }; debug = { texture = "debug"; label = "Debug Cube"; place_sound = "thump"; remove_sound = "plop"; shape = uniform_block; };