#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
+#include <glm/gtx/projection.hpp>
#include <glm/gtx/rotate_vector.hpp>
#include <glm/gtx/io.hpp>
void DirectInput::PlaceBlock() {
+ // update block focus
+ // do nothing if not looking at any block
if (!BlockFocus()) return;
+ // determine block adjacent to the face the player is looking at
BlockLookup next_block(BlockFocus().chunk, BlockFocus().BlockPos(), Block::NormalFace(BlockFocus().normal));
+ // abort if it's unavailable
if (!next_block) {
- manip.SetBlock(next_block.GetChunk(), next_block.GetBlockIndex(), Block(InventorySlot() + 1));
+ // "can replace" check
+ // this prevents players from replacing solid blocks e.g. by looking through slabs
+ // simple for now, should be expanded to include things like
+ // entities in the way or replacable blocks like water and stuff
+ if (next_block.GetBlock().type != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Block new_block(InventorySlot() + 1);
+ // block's up vector
+ // align with player's up
+ const glm::vec3 player_up(GetPlayer().GetEntity().Up());
+ new_block.SetFace(Block::NormalFace(player_up));
+ // to align with player's local up/down look (like stairs in minecraft), just invert
+ // it if pitch is positive
+ // or, align with focus normal (like logs in minecraft)
+ // determine block's turn (local rotation about up axis)
+ // when aligned with player's up (first mode, and currently the only one implemented)
+ // project the player's view forward onto his entity's XZ plane and
+ // use the closest cardinal direction it's pointing in
+ const glm::vec3 view_forward(-GetPlayer().GetEntity().ViewTransform(GetPlayer().GetEntity().ChunkCoords())[3]);
+ // if view is straight up or down, this will be a null vector (NaN after normalization)
+ // in that case maybe the model forward should be used?
+ // the current implementation implicitly falls back to TURN_NONE which is -Z
+ const glm::vec3 local_forward(normalize(view_forward - proj(view_forward, player_up)));
+ // FIXME: I suspect this only works when player_up is positive Y
+ if (local_forward.x > 0.707f) {
+ new_block.SetTurn(Block::TURN_RIGHT);
+ } else if (local_forward.z > 0.707f) {
+ new_block.SetTurn(Block::TURN_AROUND);
+ } else if (local_forward.x < -0.707f) {
+ new_block.SetTurn(Block::TURN_LEFT);
+ }
+ // for mode two ("minecraft stairs") it should work the same, but I haven't properly
+ // thought that through (well, that's also true about the whole face/turn thing, but oh well)
+ // mode three I have absoloutely no clue. that placement would be appropriate for pipe-like
+ // blocks, where turn shouldn't make a difference, but what if it does?
+ manip.SetBlock(next_block.GetChunk(), next_block.GetBlockIndex(), new_block);