--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include "../cairo/Context.h"
+#include "../gfx/ColorRGB.h"
+#include "../gfx/Position.h"
+#include "../gfx/Size.h"
+#include "../gfx/Spacing.h"
+#include "../pango/Layout.h"
+namespace app {
+class Message {
+ Message(cairo::Context &ctx)
+ : ctx(ctx)
+ , text_layout(ctx.CreateLayout())
+ , channel_layout(ctx.CreateLayout())
+ , bg_color{0.1, 0.1, 0.1}
+ , text_color{1, 1, 1}
+ , channel_color{0.392, 0.255, 0.647}
+ , padding(10) {
+ }
+ ~Message() {
+ }
+ Message(const Message &) = delete;
+ Message &operator =(const Message &) = delete;
+ void SetTextFont(pango::Font &font) {
+ text_layout.SetFont(font);
+ }
+ void SetChannelFont(pango::Font &font) {
+ channel_layout.SetFont(font);
+ }
+ void SetWidth(double width) {
+ size.w = width;
+ int inner_width = width - padding.left - padding.right;
+ text_layout.SetWidth(inner_width);
+ channel_layout.SetWidth(inner_width);
+ }
+ void SetText(const std::string &t) {
+ text_layout.SetText(t);
+ }
+ void SetChannel(const std::string &c) {
+ channel_layout.SetText(c);
+ }
+ void SetPosition(const gfx::Position &p) {
+ pos = p;
+ }
+ double GetHeight() const {
+ return size.h;
+ }
+ void Update() {
+ text_layout.Update();
+ channel_layout.Update();
+ text_offset = padding.Offset();
+ channel_offset = text_offset;
+ channel_offset.y += text_layout.GetLogicalRect().height + 10.0;
+ size.h = channel_offset.y + channel_layout.GetLogicalRect().height + padding.bottom;
+ }
+ void Render() {
+ ctx.SetSourceColor(bg_color);
+ ctx.Rectangle(pos, size);
+ ctx.Fill();
+ ctx.MoveTo(pos + text_offset);
+ ctx.SetSourceColor(text_color);
+ text_layout.Render();
+ ctx.MoveTo(pos + channel_offset);
+ ctx.SetSourceColor(channel_color);
+ channel_layout.Render();
+ }
+ cairo::Context ctx;
+ pango::Layout text_layout;
+ pango::Layout channel_layout;
+ gfx::ColorRGB bg_color;
+ gfx::ColorRGB text_color;
+ gfx::ColorRGB channel_color;
+ gfx::Position pos;
+ gfx::Size size;
+ gfx::Spacing padding;
+ gfx::Position text_offset;
+ gfx::Position channel_offset;
#include <cstdint>
-#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
extern "C" {
#include "cairo.h"
+#include "Message.h"
#include "../cairo/Context.h"
#include "../cairo/Surface.h"
-#include "../pango/Layout.h"
namespace app {
, surface(plane, linesize, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
, ctx(surface.CreateContext())
, width(width)
- , height(height)
- , text()
- , text_layout(ctx.CreateLayout())
- , channel()
- , channel_layout(ctx.CreateLayout()) {
- text_layout.SetFont(text_font);
- text_layout.SetWidth(width / 2);
- channel_layout.SetFont(channel_font);
- channel_layout.SetWidth(width / 2);
- SetText("Hello, I am a long text that should wrap eventually when it gets long enough to cross the halfway point of the total width available (not including the offset which is added afterwards).");
- SetChannel("");
+ , height(height) {
+ PushMessage("Hello, I am a long text that should wrap eventually when it gets long enough to cross the halfway point of the total width available (not including the offset which is added afterwards).", "The Dummy Channel");
~Renderer() {
ctx.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0);
- ctx.MoveTo(50, 50);
- ctx.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 1);
- text_layout.Render();
- ctx.MoveTo(50, 50 + text_layout.GetLogicalRect().height + 10);
- ctx.SetSourceRGB(0.392, 0.255, 0.647);
- channel_layout.Render();
+ for (Message &msg : msgs) {
+ msg.Render();
+ }
- void SetText(const std::string &t) {
- text = t;
- text_layout.SetText(text);
- text_layout.Update();
+ void PushMessage(const std::string &text, const std::string &channel) {
+ msgs.emplace_front(ctx);
+ Message &msg = msgs.front();
+ msg.SetTextFont(text_font);
+ msg.SetChannelFont(channel_font);
+ msg.SetWidth(width / 2.0);
+ msg.SetText(text);
+ msg.SetChannel(channel);
+ msg.Update();
+ if (msgs.size() > 3) {
+ msgs.pop_back();
+ }
+ gfx::Position pos({ 50, 50 });
+ for (Message &msg : msgs) {
+ msg.SetPosition(pos);
+ pos.y += msg.GetHeight() + 10.0;
+ }
- void SetChannel(const std::string &c) {
- channel = c;
- channel_layout.SetText(channel);
- channel_layout.Update();
- }
pango::Font text_font;
pango::Font channel_font;
int width;
int height;
- std::string text;
- pango::Layout text_layout;
- std::string channel;
- pango::Layout channel_layout;
+ std::list<Message> msgs;
#include <cairo.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
+#include <utility>
#include "Error.h"
#include "Face.h"
+#include "../gfx/ColorRGB.h"
+#include "../gfx/Position.h"
+#include "../gfx/Rectangle.h"
+#include "../gfx/Size.h"
#include "../pango/Layout.h"
namespace cairo {
Context(Context &&other): ctx(cairo_reference(other.ctx)) {
- Context(const Context &) = delete;
- Context &operator =(const Context &) = delete;
+ Context(const Context &other): ctx(cairo_reference(other.ctx)) {
+ }
+ Context &operator =(const Context &other) {
+ Context temp(other);
+ Swap(temp);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void Swap(Context &other) {
+ std::swap(ctx, other.ctx);
+ }
pango::Layout CreateLayout() {
cairo_text_extents(ctx, text, &extends);
+ void MoveTo(const gfx::Position &pos) {
+ MoveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
+ }
void MoveTo(double x, double y) {
cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y);
+ void LineTo(const gfx::Position &pos) {
+ LineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
+ }
void LineTo(double x, double y) {
cairo_line_to(ctx, x, y);
cairo_paint_with_alpha(ctx, alpha);
+ void Rectangle(const gfx::Rectangle &r) {
+ Rectangle(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
+ }
+ void Rectangle(const gfx::Position &pos, const gfx::Size &size) {
+ Rectangle(pos.x, pos.y, size.w, size.h);
+ }
void Rectangle(double x, double y, double w, double h) {
cairo_rectangle(ctx, x, y, w, h);
cairo_set_line_width(ctx, width);
+ void SetSourceColor(const gfx::ColorRGB &color) {
+ SetSourceRGB(color.r, color.g, color.b);
+ }
void SetSourceRGB(double r, double g, double b) {
cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, r, g, b);
+namespace std {
+inline void swap<cairo::Context>(cairo::Context &a, cairo::Context &b) {
+ a.Swap(b);
--- /dev/null
+namespace gfx {
+struct ColorRGB {
+ double r = 0.0;
+ double g = 0.0;
+ double b = 0.0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <ostream>
+namespace gfx {
+struct Position {
+ double x = 0.0;
+ double y = 0.0;
+inline gfx::Position operator +(const gfx::Position &a, const gfx::Position &b) {
+ return gfx::Position{a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y};
+inline std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &out, const gfx::Position &pos) {
+ return out << '(' << pos.x << ", " << pos.y << ')';
--- /dev/null
+#include "Position.h"
+namespace gfx {
+struct Rectangle {
+ double x = 0.0;
+ double y = 0.0;
+ double w = 0.0;
+ double h = 0.0;
+ Position Position() const {
+ return gfx::Position{x, y};
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef TEST_GFX_SIZE_H_
+#define TEST_GFX_SIZE_H_
+#include <ostream>
+namespace gfx {
+struct Size {
+ double w = 0.0;
+ double h = 0.0;
+inline std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &out, const gfx::Size &size) {
+ return out << size.w << 'x' << size.h;
--- /dev/null
+#include "Position.h"
+namespace gfx {
+struct Spacing {
+ double left = 0.0;
+ double top = 0.0;
+ double bottom = 0.0;
+ double right = 0.0;
+ explicit Spacing(double all)
+ : left(all), top(all), bottom(all), right(all) {
+ }
+ Spacing(double horiz, double vert)
+ : left(horiz), top(vert), bottom(horiz), right(vert) {
+ }
+ Position Offset() const {
+ return Position{left, top};
+ }
const std::string text = data["model"]["text"].asString();
const std::string channel = data["model"]["channel"]["title"].asString();
if (text.length() > 0) {
- renderer->SetText(text);
- renderer->SetChannel(channel);
+ renderer->PushMessage(text, channel);
lws_set_timer_usecs(wsi, 30000000);