import Icon from '../common/Icon';
import i18n from '../../i18n';
-const AosFront = () => <Container>
- <div className="my-5 text-center">
- <h1>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</h1>
- </div>
- <Row>
- <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
- <Button
- href=""
- size="lg"
- target="_blank"
- variant="discord"
- >
- <Icon.DISCORD />
- {' '}
- {i18n.t('aos.randoDiscord')}
- </Button>
- </Col>
- <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
- <Button
- href=""
- size="lg"
- target="_blank"
- variant="primary"
- >
- {i18n.t('aos.randoWeb')}
- </Button>
- </Col>
- <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
- <Button
- href=""
- size="lg"
- target="_blank"
- variant="discord"
- >
- <Icon.DISCORD />
- {' '}
- {i18n.t('aos.tourneyDiscord')}
- </Button>
- </Col>
- <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
- <Button
- href=""
- size="lg"
- target="_blank"
- variant="discord"
- >
- <Icon.DISCORD />
- {' '}
- {i18n.t('aos.inviteBot')}
- </Button>
- </Col>
- <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
- <Button
- href=""
- size="lg"
- target="_blank"
- variant="discord"
- >
- <Icon.DISCORD />
- {' '}
- {i18n.t('aos.inviteCommand')}
- </Button>
- </Col>
- </Row>
+const authEndpoint = '';
+const clientId = '951113702839549982';
+const botUrl = `${authEndpoint}?client_id=${clientId}&scope=bot%20applications.commands`;
+const commandUrl = `${authEndpoint}?client_id=${clientId}&scope=applications.commands`;
+const AosFront = () => {
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ window.document.title = 'Aos';
+ }, []);
+ return <Container>
+ <div className="my-5 text-center">
+ <h1>Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow</h1>
+ </div>
+ <Row>
+ <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
+ <Button
+ href=""
+ size="lg"
+ target="_blank"
+ variant="discord"
+ >
+ <Icon.DISCORD />
+ {' '}
+ {i18n.t('aos.randoDiscord')}
+ </Button>
+ </Col>
+ <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
+ <Button
+ href=""
+ size="lg"
+ target="_blank"
+ variant="primary"
+ >
+ {i18n.t('aos.randoWeb')}
+ </Button>
+ </Col>
+ <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
+ <Button
+ href=""
+ size="lg"
+ target="_blank"
+ variant="discord"
+ >
+ <Icon.DISCORD />
+ {' '}
+ {i18n.t('aos.tourneyDiscord')}
+ </Button>
+ </Col>
+ <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
+ <Button
+ href={botUrl}
+ size="lg"
+ target="_blank"
+ variant="discord"
+ >
+ <Icon.DISCORD />
+ {' '}
+ {i18n.t('aos.inviteBot')}
+ </Button>
+ </Col>
+ <Col className="text-center mb-3" sm={6} md={4}>
+ <Button
+ href={commandUrl}
+ size="lg"
+ target="_blank"
+ variant="discord"
+ >
+ <Icon.DISCORD />
+ {' '}
+ {i18n.t('aos.inviteCommand')}
+ </Button>
+ </Col>
+ </Row>
+ </Container>;
export default withTranslation()(AosFront);