#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <SDL.h>
y -= other.y;
return *this;
+ Vector<Scalar> &operator *=(Scalar factor) {
+ x *= factor;
+ y *= factor;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector<Scalar> &operator /=(Scalar factor) {
+ x /= factor;
+ y /= factor;
+ return *this;
+ }
SDL_Point ToPoint() const {
SDL_Point p;
+template<class Scalar>
+constexpr bool IsZero(Vector<Scalar> v) {
+ return std::abs(v.x) < std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon()
+ && std::abs(v.y) < std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon();
template<class Scalar>
constexpr Scalar Cross2D(Vector<Scalar> lhs, Vector<Scalar> rhs) {
return (lhs.x * rhs.y) - (lhs.y * rhs.x);
constexpr Vector<Scalar> Rotate270(Vector<Scalar> v) {
return Vector<Scalar>(v.y, -v.x);
+template<class Scalar, class Float>
+inline Vector<Scalar> Rotate(Vector<Scalar> v, Float by) {
+ Float sine(std::sin(by));
+ Float cosine(std::cos(by));
+ return Vector<Scalar>(v.x * cosine - v.y * sine, v.x * sine + v.y * cosine);
+/// reflect v along normalized n
+template<class Scalar>
+inline Vector<Scalar> Reflect(Vector<Scalar> v, Vector<Scalar> n) {
+ const Scalar dd = Scalar(2) * Dot(v, n);
+ return Vector<Scalar>(v.x - (dd * n.x), v.y - (dd * n.y));
template<class Scalar>
#include "app/Application.h"
#include "app/SDL.h"
+#include "graphics/const.h"
#include "graphics/Canvas.h"
#include "graphics/Window.h"
#include "world/Entity.h"
#include "world/World.h"
+#include <iostream>
using namespace gworm;
+using namespace std;
namespace {
World world(Vector<int>(500, 500));
make_planet(world, Vector<int>(250, 250), 220);
- Entity e;
- e.vel = Vector<float>(-19, 19);
- e.mass = 1;
- world.AddEntity(e);
+ Entity orb;
+ orb.vel = Vector<float>(-19, 19);
+ orb.mass = 1;
+ world.AddEntity(orb);
+ Entity coll;
+ coll.pos = Vector<float>(250, -25);
+ coll.vel = Vector<float>(-10, 0);
+ coll.mass = 2;
+ world.AddEntity(coll);
+ cout << "normal at top: " << world.NormalAt(Vector<float>(250, 30)) << endl;
+ cout << "normal at left: " << world.NormalAt(Vector<float>(30, 250)) << endl;
Application app(canv, world);
void World::Update(float dt) {
+ constexpr float fricDyn = 0.75f;
+ constexpr float fricStat = 2.5f;
+ constexpr float dragFact = 0.05f;
for (Entity &e : entities) {
- e.acc = ForceAt(e.pos, e.mass) / e.mass;
+ const Vector<float> gravity = ForceAt(e.pos, e.mass);
+ const Vector<float> drag = Rotate180(e.vel) * dragFact;
+ // TODO: drag should be inverse square. and not onmipresent
+ e.acc = (gravity + drag) / e.mass;
+ Vector<float> at;
+ if (WorldCollision(e, at)) {
+ float speed = Length(e.vel);
+ Vector<float> normVel = e.vel / speed;
+ float steps = 0;
+ while (MassAt(e.pos) > 0) {
+ e.pos -= normVel;
+ steps += 1.0f;
+ }
+ const Vector<float> normal = NormalAt(e.pos + normVel);
+ e.vel = Reflect(e.vel, normal);
+ speed = Length(e.vel);
+ normVel = e.vel / speed;
+ // some kind of friction, depends on angle to normal
+ speed *= (fricDyn * (std::abs(Dot(normVel, normal))));
+ if (speed > fricStat) {
+ speed -= fricStat;
+ e.vel = normVel * speed;
+ e.pos += normVel * steps;
+ } else {
+ e.vel = Vector<float>(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool World::WorldCollision(const Entity &e, Vector<float> &at) const {
+ if (InBounds(e.pos) && MassAt(e.pos) > 0) {
+ at = e.pos;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+Vector<float> World::NormalAt(Vector<float> pos) const {
+ constexpr Vector<float> check[] = {
+ { 0, -2 },
+ { 0.765367, -1.84776 },
+ { 1.41421, -1.41421 },
+ { 1.84776, -0.765367 },
+ { 2, 0 },
+ { 1.84776, 0.765367 },
+ { 1.41421, 1.41421 },
+ { 0.765367, 1.84776 },
+ { 0, 2 },
+ { -0.765367, 1.84776 },
+ { -1.41421, 1.41421 },
+ { -1.84776, 0.765367 },
+ { -2, 0 },
+ { -1.84776, -0.765367 },
+ { -1.41421, -1.41421 },
+ { -0.765367, -1.84776 },
+ };
+ Vector<float> normal;
+ for (auto v : check) {
+ if (MassAt(pos + v) == 0) {
+ normal += v;
+ }
+ }
+ return Norm(normal);
+//Vector<float> World::NormalAt(Vector<float> pos) const {
+// Vector<int> begin(pos - Vector<float>(3, 3));
+// Vector<int> end(pos + Vector<float>(3, 3));
+// Vector<float> normal;
+// for (Vector<int> cur(begin); cur.y < end.y; ++cur.y) {
+// for (cur.x = begin.x; cur.x < end.x; ++cur.x) {
+// if (IsSurface(cur) > 0) {
+// const Vector<float> dir = pos - Vector<float>(cur);
+// normal += Rotate90(dir);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return Norm(normal);
+bool World::IsSurface(Vector<int> pos) const {
+ return MassAt(pos) > 0 && (
+ MassAt(pos - Vector<int>(1, 0)) == 0 ||
+ MassAt(pos + Vector<int>(1, 0)) == 0 ||
+ MassAt(pos - Vector<int>(0, 1)) == 0 ||
+ MassAt(pos + Vector<int>(0, 1)) == 0);
Entity &World::AddEntity(const Entity &e) {