// change color to be slightly more like resource
glm::dvec3 color(rgb2hsl(sim.Resources()[res].base_color));
// solids affect base color, others highlight
- double p = sim.Resources()[res].state == world::Resource::SOLID ? 0 : 1;
- double q = random.UInt(3); // hue, sat, or val
- double r = random.UInt(2); // mean or deviation
+ int p = sim.Resources()[res].state == world::Resource::SOLID ? 0 : 1;
+ int q = random.UInt(3); // hue, sat, or val
+ int r = random.UInt(2); // mean or deviation
math::Distribution *d = nullptr;
double ref = 0.0;
if (p == 0) {
d->StandardDeviation(glm::clamp(d->StandardDeviation() * (1.0 + random.SNorm() * 0.15), 0.0001, 0.5));
+ if (sim.Resources()[res].state == world::Resource::LIQUID && random.UNorm() < AdaptChance()) {
+ // change texture randomly
+ // TODO: make change depending on surroundings and/or resource
+ int p = random.UInt(2); // back or side
+ int q = random.UInt(2); // mean or deviation
+ math::Distribution &d = p ? genome.skin_side : genome.skin_back;
+ if (q == 0) {
+ // move ± one standard deviation
+ d.Mean(d.Mean() + (random.SNorm() * d.StandardDeviation()));
+ } else {
+ // scale by ±10%, enforce bounds
+ d.StandardDeviation(glm::clamp(d.StandardDeviation() * (1.0 + random.SNorm() * 0.1), 0.0001, 0.5));
+ }
+ }
void Creature::DoWork(double amount) noexcept {
vao->ReserveAttributes(6 * 4, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
auto attrib = vao->MapAttributes(GL_WRITE_ONLY);
- const float offset = 1.0f;
+ constexpr float offset = 1.0f;
+ constexpr float max_tex = 5.999f;
+ const float tex[6] = {
+ 0.0f, // face
+ float(std::floor(skin_side * max_tex)), // left
+ float(std::floor(skin_back * max_tex)), // top
+ float(std::floor(skin_back * max_tex)), // back
+ float(std::floor(skin_side * max_tex)), // right
+ 0.0f, // bottom
+ };
for (int surface = 0; surface < 6; ++surface) {
const float tex_u_begin = surface < 3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
const float tex_u_end = surface < 3 ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
attrib[4 * surface + 0].normal[(surface + 2) % 3] = surface < 3 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
attrib[4 * surface + 0].texture.x = tex_u_begin;
attrib[4 * surface + 0].texture.y = 1.0f;
- attrib[4 * surface + 0].texture.z = surface;
+ attrib[4 * surface + 0].texture.z = tex[surface];
attrib[4 * surface + 1].position[(surface + 0) % 3] = -offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 1].position[(surface + 1) % 3] = offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 1].normal[(surface + 2) % 3] = surface < 3 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
attrib[4 * surface + 1].texture.x = tex_u_end;
attrib[4 * surface + 1].texture.y = 1.0f;
- attrib[4 * surface + 1].texture.z = surface;
+ attrib[4 * surface + 1].texture.z = tex[surface];
attrib[4 * surface + 2].position[(surface + 0) % 3] = offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 2].position[(surface + 1) % 3] = -offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 2].normal[(surface + 2) % 3] = surface < 3 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
attrib[4 * surface + 2].texture.x = tex_u_begin;
attrib[4 * surface + 2].texture.y = 0.0f;
- attrib[4 * surface + 2].texture.z = surface;
+ attrib[4 * surface + 2].texture.z = tex[surface];
attrib[4 * surface + 3].position[(surface + 0) % 3] = offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 3].position[(surface + 1) % 3] = offset;
attrib[4 * surface + 3].normal[(surface + 2) % 3] = surface < 3 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
attrib[4 * surface + 3].texture.x = tex_u_end;
attrib[4 * surface + 3].texture.y = 0.0f;
- attrib[4 * surface + 3].texture.z = surface;
+ attrib[4 * surface + 3].texture.z = tex[surface];
genome.highlight_saturation = { 1.0 - hsl.y, 0.01 };
genome.highlight_lightness = { 1.0 - hsl.z, 0.01 };
+ genome.skin_side = { 0.5, 0.01 };
+ genome.skin_back = { 0.5, 0.01 };
+ c.BackSkin(glm::clamp(skin_back.FakeNormal(random.SNorm()), 0.0, 1.0));
+ c.SideSkin(glm::clamp(skin_side.FakeNormal(random.SNorm()), 0.0, 1.0));
c.SetBackgroundTask(std::unique_ptr<Goal>(new BlobBackgroundTask(c)));
c.AddGoal(std::unique_ptr<Goal>(new IdleGoal(c)));