From 00a0c4d4598d1da67ab0267e306bc35fcf1be74b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Folke Lemaitre Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2023 11:29:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] docs: better docs for the starter template --- | 103 ++++++++++-------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index aaa9e3c..f01abd6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,100 +1,33 @@ # LazyVim -A starter template for Neovim using [lazy.nvim]( +A starter template for [LazyVim]( ![image]( -## ✅ Todo +## 🚀 Getting Started -- [ ] documentation -- [x] treesitter auto-install seems broken. Switch to `ensure_installed` instead? -- [x] list all plugins in readme -- [ ] test all-the-things +This repo contains an example setup for +[LazyVim]( + +You can just clone this repo, or import **LazyVim** in your existing config +as you can see here [config.lazy]( + +Refer to the comments in the files on how to customize **LazyVim**. ## File Structure
 ├── lua
-│   └── lazyvim
-│       ├── config
-│       │   ├── autocmds.lua
-│       │   ├── keymaps.lua
-│       │   ├── lazy.lua
-│       │   ├── options.lua
-│       │   └── settings.lua
-│       ├── plugins
-│       │   ├── lsp
-│       │   │   ├── format.lua
-│       │   │   ├── init.lua
-│       │   │   ├── keymaps.lua
-│       │   │   └── servers.lua
-│       │   ├── coding.lua
-│       │   ├── colorscheme.lua
-│       │   ├── config.lua
-│       │   ├── editor.lua
-│       │   ├── treesitter.lua
-│       │   ├── ui.lua
-│       │   └── util.lua
-│       └── util.lua
+│   ├── config
+│   │   ├── autocmds.lua
+│   │   ├── keymaps.lua
+│   │   ├── lazy.lua
+│   │   └── options.lua
+│   └── plugins
+│       ├── example.lua
+│       ├── lsp.lua
+│       └── treesitter.lua
 ├── init.lua
-├── lazy-lock.json
 └── stylua.toml
- - - -## Plugins - -- [alpha-nvim]( -- [catppuccin]( -- [cmp-buffer]( -- [cmp-emoji]( -- [cmp-nvim-lsp]( -- [cmp-path]( -- [cmp_luasnip]( -- [dressing.nvim]( -- [flit.nvim]( -- [friendly-snippets]( -- [gitsigns.nvim]( -- [indent-blankline.nvim]( -- [lazy.nvim]( -- [leap.nvim]( -- [lualine.nvim]( -- [LuaSnip]( -- [mason-lspconfig.nvim]( -- [mason.nvim]( -- []( -- [mini.bufremove]( -- [mini.comment]( -- [mini.indentscope]( -- [mini.pairs]( -- [mini.surround]( -- [neo-tree.nvim]( -- [neoconf.nvim]( -- [neodev.nvim]( -- [noice.nvim]( -- [nui.nvim]( -- [null-ls.nvim]( -- [nvim-bufferline.lua]( -- [nvim-cmp]( -- [nvim-lspconfig]( -- [nvim-notify]( -- [nvim-spectre]( -- [nvim-treesitter]( -- [nvim-treesitter-textobjects]( -- [nvim-ts-context-commentstring]( -- [nvim-web-devicons]( -- [persistence.nvim]( -- [plenary.nvim]( -- [telescope.nvim]( -- [todo-comments.nvim]( -- [tokyonight.nvim]( -- [trouble.nvim]( -- [vim-illuminate]( -- [vim-startuptime]( -- [which-key.nvim]( - - -- 2.39.2